Sri Lanka

Ok so I know this blog is all about DIY, but I couldn't help share with you a few pics from my recent trip to Sri Lanka. Please don't hate me! Has to be one of my favourite places to travel - with mountains of DIY inspiration. For such a small island (just south of India) it has such beautiful and diverse landscapes, wild jungles, deserted beaches, bustling cities, high tea country.  I had so many amazing experiences that I couldn't possibly recite them all, but one thing that has stayed with me is the deliciousness of freshly cut sweet pineapple, sprinkled with chilli and salt sold on the roadside in a hot, dusty village.

After you've sampled a little bit of the subcontinent, why not head over to my facebook page and join up. Am doing a DIY giveaway in the next couple of weeks so get amongst it.

I wish I could remember the name of the village where I caught those gorgeous children in colourful shawls on camera, I would a send them a copy of the picture.

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